
Laundry Learnings

Is it resistance or is it poor design?

Getting Serious about Community Development (Part 3)

When we invert our traditional thinking about what is cause and effect we can redirect the focus of our attention and efforts.

Getting Serious about Community Development (Part 2)

Connecting the insights of Peter Block on community transformation to the path of Social Architecture. The moral of the story: we are not problem solvers, but capacity builders!

Getting Serious about Community Development

Why we can no longer neglect the importance of community development when we talk about organizational change strategy.

The OCP Strategy

Here’s a milestone for me and the team that is managing the Organizational Change Practitioners group on LinkedIn.

Where Social Learning is Stuck Today

Do you know the story of the elephant and the twig? It’s the tragedy of social learning: the possible is just not thinkable.

Edelman’s Trust Barometer: Crisis of Leadership Calls for Social Architecture

The Edelman 2013 Trust Barometer which was published last month shows some remarkable facts on trust on a global scale.

The Social Architecture Equation

Stripping the idea of Social Architecture down to its essence.

20 Shortcuts – Webcast (The Conference Board)

Last week I had the honor to do a webcast for The Conference Board.

Community Development is the New Change Management

The only way to guarantee sustainable change is by making sure there is a community developed around the future state. But first we need to let go of our need to fit in.