Parenting as a Management Skill … Huh? (part 1)

The things we learn from being a parent are so profound because observing ourselves as a parent brings us closer to who we really are.

Leadership in a Social Architecture

It turns out that we need more, not less, leadership in a Social Architecture.

Getting Serious about Community Development (Part 20)

A closer look at the one ingredient that makes the difference between authentic and inauthentic communities, i.e.: Autonomy.

Getting Serious about Community Development (Part 16)

The one thing that determines the success of a change is a tapestry composed of a 1000 hands.

Bringing It All Together

Describing an ‘aha’ moment that took me about five years. Warning: it’s pretty dense…

What Matters Now

Gary Hamel, recently ranked as the world’s most influential business thinker by The Wall Street Journal, is serious about busting bureaucracy.

On Life and Birthing

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Instead of evaluating a change situation from a ‘Death and Dying’ perspective, I would suggest to look at it from the ‘Life and Birthing’ perspective.

Quality Time is a Lie

Crushed by the sadness of an illusion that evaporates. Quality time is a lie. And everything else that is based on this idea is falling apart.