
The other moral to your same old story

I have used the evenings of the month of August to pull together this draft of a business fable. In fact, this fable is my way of coping with the ambiguity of workplace dynamics and games people play.

The 6 big concerns of change

Pat Zigarmi underscoring why involvement of your target audience is the single factor determining the success of your organizational change endeavor.

Rituals and Habits

Today I declare the birth of a new discipline: Attention Management. For an organizational change practitioner attention management may be more important than the management of time, manpower and money. It’s about shifting the attention to the stuff we take for granted, i.e.: the rituals and habits that protect people’s comfort zones.

A conflict isn’t always a bad thing – Part 6

Looking at the kind of conversations one can have in a project context. The ones I have been involved in can be categorized in three groups.

Parenting as a Management Skill … Huh? (part 5)

We don’t need to attend the courses of prestigious business schools in order to discover the essence of change management.

Resistance, Resentment, Regret, Rescue OR…. RESPECT?

A lot of R words with a particular significance on this blog. In a reaction on last week’s post I was requested to define resistance more precisely.

One more time: Resistance is a good thing!

Resistance is only 1 out of 4 possible reactions; but it takes a resistance map to see it.

The skill-will matrix

One of the tools that I often use is the so-called Skill-Will matrix. I use this tool to predict and to plan how often my support is needed.

Once upon a time…

A fairy tale for the suffering in the workplace. Once upon a time there was a pond with the most exceptional fish one could think of. The man who took care of the pond wanted it to be the best pond of all times, and so did the fish. The man took care of everything […]

The Chameleon Law

In the 1944 unfinished novel Mount Analogue, René Daumal describes the travel of a company of eight, who set sail in the yacht Impossible to search for Mount Analogue, a solid, a geographical place that “cannot not exist.”