Video: Workshop Social Architecture May 2016 (Dallas, TX)

For those of you who are interested in Social Architecture and the way I choose to bring it across at the global change management practitioners conference (ACMP) in Dallas, this is the full recording.

The workshop lasted about 2 hours and the video-producers were kind enough to take out the ‘work’-bits where there was no public speaking but people working in groups instead.  The result is a 69 minute footage of a group assembling, sharing insights and creating something special that did not exist before we convened.

You will witness how insights were created and connected during the workshop.

This is a session where I have invested quite some energy into. Not surprisingly there are some take-aways for myself as well. The biggest one is that twice people came up to me and said: “Wow, impactful, and so this is what yo do with your clients, right?”

To which I had to say… ‘ummmm, nope… up until now it has not crossed my mind to even gather up the courage to start doing this with clients’… Which translates into: ‘Dear Luc, why are you holding this back from your clients?’

And this is where Social Architecture kicks back in and makes me aware of the fact that I have connected to a layer outside of myself that resonates with a potential inside of myself that yet has to come to the surface.

This is what communities are capable of doing with people: to awaken a potential inside of ourselves that we might have forgotten about long time ago. Community has the healing capacity to reconnect its members with their own potential.