What is your CQ? (Community Quotient)

There is a simple way to measure how well your community is doing. It suffises to look at the 10 basic needs of community members.

Check every single point and the add up the total. Divide that by 10. This is your CQ – Community Quotient.


In my opinion, there are 10 basic needs members of a community have. They are:

  1. A community to belong to (identity);
  2. A platform for communication (connection);
  3. Know-how (skills);
  4. Know-what (knowledge);
  5. Know-why (attitude);
  6. A part in the play (role);
  7. An obligation towards their community (responsibility);
  8. A shoulder to lean on (support);
  9. A view on their progress (measurability);
  10. Making a difference (leverage).
The extent to which they are provided will determine the succes of your community. It’s a list that I have developed over the past 8 years. You can use it to quickly score how well you are doing and to see which areas need improvement.