The last word on Leader vs Manager

By far the most returning question on management groups on LinkedIn or other business related forums is one or other variant on: “What is the difference between a leader and a manager?”.

The short answer is: ‘Yes

The longer answer has three parts to it:

1. Leaders go first. Period.
There is only one thing that a leader cannot delegate, and that is going first. Everything else – even the most difficult people management; intuition and intelligence – can be delegated to good managers. But the ability to be an example and go first? Nope.

2. Position is not the point.
One can lead from any position, profession, relation or state of being. Going first matters – certainly when all the odds are against you. And yes, this is very frightening.

3. It is not an “OR” question
Thank God that it is not an “OR” thing!

As I am cleaning up all the stuff and rubbish of 2010, this is one of the things I just had to say one final last closing friggin’ thing about.

So please, please, please: let’s move on to a different question in 2011, OK?