Joanne Flinn

Joanne Flinn (JA Flinn) helps leaders lift their success rates and reduce their stress from large projects in western and eastern businesses.

She is a contributing columnist at MIS Asia and the author of ‘The Success Healthcheck for IT Projects ~ an Insider’s Guide to Managing IT Investment and Business Change’ and is the founder of Shelton Methods ~ diagnostics for successful business transformation. Currently living in Europe and Asia, she travels, meditated and enjoys exploring the worlds people live in. Joanne is a keynote speaker at the Association of Change Management Professionals Conference in South Africa in November 2010.

The Success Healthcheck

Many projects fail. True. As an organizational change practitioner we really ask ourselves ‘Is mine likely to fail? What do I need to focus on for success?’ “What it takes to get from an F to a C is different to what it takes to get to an A.” This is the practical corollary of Einstein’s quote.