Seagull Management

Chatting with Vera the other day on all sorts of management styles; we came across one she had never heard of before: Seagull Management.

At first she thought I was kidding, but after googling the term we discovered that there are 632.000 resultsĀ on this entry and that it is even featured on Wikipedia.

And this is all because there is one little sentence in the book The One Minute Manager that describes the term: “Seagull managers fly in, make a lot of noise, dump on everyone, then fly out.

Footprint of a toxic boss. #SeagullManagement

Regular readers of this blog are already familiar with the grumpy boss. Now you know what his birdlike equivalent would look like. What’s more interesting is that this conversation made me take the dust off my copy of the One Minute Manager, so I’ll be blogging on that one pretty soon.

  • “The One-Minute Manager” presents what we all wish we’d had: the perfect father. Just as my grandmother said of the boogey-man, “Aw, Freddie, there ain’t no such an animal.”

  • “The One-Minute Manager” presents what we all wish we’d had: the perfect father. Just as my grandmother said of the boogey-man, “Aw, Freddie, there ain’t no such an animal.”