Secrets of Success in 8 Words, 3 Minutes

Why do people succeed? Because they’re smart? Or lucky? How about: Neither.

Richard St. John compacts more than a decade of research into an unmissable 3-minute slideshow on the real secrets of success. (Hint: Passion, persistence, and pushy mothers help.) Inspired by a chance encounter with a high school student who asked him how to become a success, St. John interviewed more than 500 successful people, then distilled what they told him into eight simple principles.

The above presentation is one of the most enlightening talks on the secrets of success: Richard St. John masters the skill of simplicity (succesfully that is 😉

  • Dr. Lauchlan A. K. Mackinnon


    Great presentation, thanks for posting that!

    Do you know if there is some way to download a local copy?


    Lauchlan Mackinnon

  • Dr. Lauchlan A. K. Mackinnon

    Luc,Great presentation, thanks for posting that!Do you know if there is some way to download a local copy?ThanksLauchlan Mackinnon

  • Luc Galoppin

    Hi Lauchlan,

    I suggest you browse on as they gradually make all of their presentations available for download.
    Every single one of them is worth watching.

    Additionally I would suggest to become member (it’s free). They have just started up their network last week and the counter is reaching a number close to 3000.

    Kind Regards,
    Luc Galoppin.

  • Luc Galoppin

    Hi Lauchlan,I suggest you browse on as they gradually make all of their presentations available for download.Every single one of them is worth watching.Additionally I would suggest to become member (it’s free). They have just started up their network last week and the counter is reaching a number close to 3000.Kind Regards,Luc Galoppin.